What you are NOT ALLOWED to bring into Mexico


Guns and/or ammunition are not permitted in Mexico!! This is very serious and could land you in a Mexican prison. If you hunt or shoot, make sure you thoroughly inspect your vehicle and baggage for ammo before going on your trip. You don’t want any: “Oops… I forgot about that box of bullets under the back seat.” situations!


Illegal Drugs

PROHIBITED IMPORTS BY MEXICO CUSTOMS: These foods have been deemed by the SENASICA office of Mexico to present a risk of introducing pests or disease into the country, and are not allowed under any circumstances.

* Homemade food items

* Fresh, dried, or frozen pork

* Fresh, refrigerated, or frozen poultry

* Fresh, refrigerated, or frozen beef

Excessive amounts of anything: The customs agents in Mexico may confiscate or tax you on excessive amounts of anything.


These items may or may Not be allowed into the country by Mexico border rules, depending on their origin and manufacturing process. They also must meet certain importation requirements. More information on these items can be found on the SENASICA website at www.senasica.gob.mx

* Seeds, seedlings, and fresh plants. Be especially careful with items such as trail mix and granola bars that often include seeds.

* Fresh fruit, vegetables, flowers, and cereals

* Dairy products

* Flour and corn meal

***This is a general list provided for your convenience. Please perform your own due diligence on restricted items.