Purchase Mexico Car Insurance

Make sure to purchase Mexico car insurance for Rocky Point… it is the law! You will need to purchase Mexico car insurance for your trip to Mexico. The penalties for not having Mexican car insurance for your Rocky Point are severe, so it’s not worth taking the risk.
The insurance company that we have found to have the best rates and have personally used for several years is Mexico Insurance Online. You can get to their website and purchase your insurance by clicking here. You can also click on one of the images on this page and it will take you to the website to purchase Mexico car insurance for Rocky Point. There are also several other insurance providers to choose from online. Or you can always stop along the way at any of the insurance agencies on your drive and purchase Mexico auto insurance before crossing the border into Mexico. There are several places along the way (in Gila Bend and Ajo). Wherever you purchase insurance, make sure you have a printed copy in the vehicle for the duration of your trip.